Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Style hair while sleeping?

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to style my hair while i sleep? I don't have time to wash it in the morning because it takes at least 2 hours to dry and when i use a blow dryer it gets really frizzy. my natural hair is kinda crazy if i don't do anything to it and its really unpredictable. but when i scrunch a curly mouse on my hair damp i get these really pretty waves and curls. Ive tried sleeping on my stomach with damp hair with that product in but when i wake it not as pretty as it would be when i let it air dry . it gets straightened out and flat. so does anyone have any suggestions? thanks so much for reading all this lol

Style hair while sleeping?

you know like princess laya kinda buns?? lol, (its only to bed) just put the product in your hair and then seperate it inot as many sections as you want, i suggest 2, and then twist your hair and itll start to wrap around into a bun...kinba like a cinnabun, lol...yeah, put those in your hair b4 you go to sleep and then in the morning you gget such pretty waves/curls, it works really well =D

Style hair while sleeping?

Consider yourself lucky. When I sleep, no matter what position I sleep in, my hair always get all wavy even though it is naturally straight. I wish it would just stay the way I want it to! :(

Style hair while sleeping?

if u want ur hair straight...straigthen it before you go to bed and when u sleep it should flatten out even more and when u wake up it should be smoother...this is what i usually do ....or you can put ur hair in like 2 or 3 braids and when u wake up take them out (briad them when they are wet) and ur hair will have loose waives and u can just put some gel or spray in it and u should be all set. ! hope i helped!

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