Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

im in 8th grade and i need tips im this-close to being poupular. maybe cool clothes that arn`t expencive...or are, easy hair styles or hard! and shoes!

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

ok.. I'm in the 8th grade too.. and u know what bein popular isnt all that its cracked up to be... I mean think about it.. u have to look good ALWAYS cuz everybody is always paying attention to what your wearing you can't act like an idiot cuz people are always watching you to see how you act so they can be popular too.. and no guys will ask you out cuz they're afraid they'll get turned down! It's not everything u think it is trust me.. just be yourself.. be nice to everyone and don't be a snob.. trust me you'll have a lot more friends than if youre 'popular' cuz if youre popular, people will be like she thinks shes better than everyone else.. and they wont talk to u or nuthin.. just stick to bein yourself and not a snob...

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

hun, is being popular really hwat it is all about? think about that, because i am pretty popular with lots of crowds just not one big preppy crowd, i think if you do succedin being popular you will realize its not what you think its is

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

clothes aren't everything...

try being nice to everyone...

then more people like you and if you and your main group of friends have a spat you aren't all alone

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

well... i shop at kohl's and being an unpopular girl being on the verge of popular myself i know exactly what you mean! i really like their juniors section and i generally really like their pants and sweaters!

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

you dont need to have a certain "cool" kind of clothes.. nobody can define normal .. just be nice to everyone and people should accept you and be your friend and youll be likeable. but if they dont even when your nice to them then its not even worth being in the "popular" crowd. Just dont waste your time trying to impress someone, because trust me, popularity does not last forever.

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

hey sister i think that cloths that you wear shouldn't be getting you in to the popular crowd it should be you getting into the popular crowd...you have be your self and not what they are

Style tips...for hair, clothes, ect!?

well, for one, being popular isn't all it's cracked up to be. eventually, it's going to get to the point where ur expected to do things, and if u don't do them, ur not popular. be urself. same with clothes and all that, be urself, don't buy something u wouldn't normally. and for ur hair, there's lots of things u can do. like, if u have medium to long hair u can split ur hair down the middle all the way to the back and make to big sections. in the back twist them to the side and make a lil bun at the bottom of ur neck (or even middle of ur head, or top, if ur daring enough) and secure them with little clips, or bobby pins. there's tons of things u can do, that's just one idea.

don't get caught up in all that school mess. if it's not u, u won't enjoy it and later regret it. trust me.

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