Saturday, July 25, 2009

New hair style???

ok so tomorrow im going to get my hair done and i was thinking of doing something different with my hair .. but i like my hair to at least to be sholder length . .

right now my hair is in the middle of my back and i have thoes side bangs . .(or what ever you call them)

anyone have any suggestions for me??

thanks in advance! xx

New hair style???

Try getting a few inches cut off and get some layers to give your hair dimension, and bring attention to your face.

New hair style???

My hair is the same way right now, and i want to get it cut shorter because i really can't deal with it any more.

I'm going to get it cut almost shoulder length with a lot of layers in it, it looks really cute when it's straightened or scrunched/curled, %26amp; it still fits in a pony tail =]

New hair style???

just look on the internet at differents sites for hair... it just depends on your style

New hair style???

Get blue highlights

New hair style???

me 2 and im getting mine done today so no worries.

i have only one if u wanna keep it sholder length. (even though im going shorter.)

and u dont have to dye it the cut is cute

New hair style???

Right, this is what think,,

i think you should get a side fringe that curves ( if you know what i mean ) lol

then shoulder lenght with 1 or 2 layers in there

it will look really nice..


New hair style???

Shave your head, bald is beautiful!!! It worked wonders for me. I didn't used to have boyfriends til I shaved my head, now I have a date every night.

New hair style???

try the middle picture. (not the sides xp)

I wanted a change aswell a couple of years ago so i cut my beautiful thick brown (with red undertones) hair up to the bottom of my ears. BIG mistake! i liked it for about a month and then gradually i came to hate it and i went to the health store to buy kelp pills cuz i hear they help hair grow and it has taken two years for my hair to be 3 inches below my shoulders so i am STILL waiting. Keep that tragic story in mind.

The moral is to gradually make your hair shorter because you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

pay paradise put up a pocket knife

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